Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Modern Issues- Your lifetime, for the most part

A few of the most notable military and political conflicts include: the end of the Cold War, Bosnia, Somalia, the Gulf War, the Iraq War, and the War on Terror. The rise of the personal computer, cell phones, and the Internet have made communication and information two of our most important resources. Madonna, Michael Jackson, the power of Hip-Hop music, American Idol, video games, Michael Jordan, the Simpsons, Seinfeld, and Fox News have all been important factors in pop culture which also significantly influence economics. Cultural and social issues such as immigration, globalization, conservatism vs. liberalism, AIDS, and elicit drug use (think crack and methamphetmaines) have been major players in our society. There are also many more important issues not mentioned above.

Here are your prompts:

Pick one of the issues above and describe its influence on society.

Pick a modern issue that is not on the list above, but is important to your life, and tell us why.


Anonymous said...


A very pressing issue is global warming. Its impact on society today might be not so pressing but for the future generations, and our families.

A modern issue that is not listed that I feel has a huge impact on everyone is immigration. I feel it’s has a great deal of importance because it raises our taxes, takes our job opportunities, and hurt the economy.

Anonymous said...

Pick one of the issues above and describe its influence on society.

I the issue I’m choosing is the War on Terror, the influence it has on society is saying we are always fighting a war and we are always gonna be on alert of an attack.

Pick a modern issue that is not on the list above, but is important to your life, and tell us why.

I think being free is very important to me because I don’t have someone telling what to do or telling me what to be this religion have be, also having the right to say I want to or also having the right to vote for who you believe can run this country correctly. That’s I why I think freedom extremely important to me

Anonymous said...

Pick one of the issues above and describe its influence on society.

I the issue I’m choosing is the War on Terror, the influence it has on society is saying we are always fighting a war and we are always gonna be on alert of an attack.

Pick a modern issue that is not on the list above, but is important to your life, and tell us why.

I think being free is very important to me because I don’t have someone telling what to do or telling me what to be this religion have be, also having the right to say I want to or also having the right to vote for who you believe can run this country correctly. That’s I why I think freedom extremely important to me

Anonymous said...

Pick one of the issues above and describe its influence on society.

I the issue I’m choosing is the War on Terror, the influence it has on society is saying we are always fighting a war and we are always gonna be on alert of an attack.

Pick a modern issue that is not on the list above, but is important to your life, and tell us why.

The modern issue that im choosing is global warming. The reason im choosing it is because it is very important to my life and everyone else lives, if tempers continue increase people are gunna start dying from heat strokes, crops are not going to be able to grow, there will also be lack of water.

Anonymous said...

Drugs are a huge issue. With the number of illicit drugs rising every year and the number of users rising every year it is a huge issue in america. Upon being asked about drug abuse, a famous celebrity said,"Let's get one thing straight. Crack is cheap. I don't do crack." A few weeks later it was brought to light that she actually was using the drug.

Another major issue is human trafficking, which is nothing new, but has been brought to light more and more in the last 20 years.

Kyle said...

Immigration is a big problem right because people think its not right for everyone to come to this country illegally, which i do agree with them.

And one this isn't listed above is smoking, you see everyone doing it. but you never see what it really does to people. and its important to me because i am a smoker.

Jessica said...

The rise of the personal computer, cell phones, and the Internet have made communication and information two of our most important resources. These have made a big difference in our society.The internet has made life a little easyer for information and the same with cell phones

A modern issue that is not on the list i would have to say racism, because people are just so rude to eachother and like people i know and other just look at someone and they say they dont like him/her without giving them a chance or talking to then. Its like that saying "Don't Judge a Book by its Cover". on the outside they may not look good but when you get to know them its a different story.

Anonymous said...

If I had to choose one of the topics above that has influenced society is immigration. Over the years the amount of illegal immigrants has increased dramatically. It is almost unbeleib=vable the amount of illegal immigrants living in the United States Of America. It is so hard to keep people where they need to be when they do not want to thake the proper procautions to keep them there no matter what it takes. Once the government finally puts their foot down the lost wages and money shortage will decrease tremendisly.

Anonymous said...

The ways of communication have changed drastically over the past 30-40 years. As you can see, nearly everybody owns a cell phone in modern times, and is constantly on it. And possibly even more people have personal computers with internet access.

An issue I find to be fairly important is our health care system in the United States. Although I'm affected by it's problems in this point of my life, in the future when I'm not living with my parents, it will be extremely important. There definitely needs to be some sort of health care reform, if it's universal health care or another more effecient and effective system which I've not come across.

Anonymous said...

Immigration is a large problem in our country. Myself and many others beliefe if you wish to live here with our rights and freedoms you need to be here LEGALLY.

A issue not listed is our politcs. They effect everyone, depending who's lies we decide to beliefe throughtout the elections decides our doom for the next 4-8 years of our lives and country.

Brianna Stowell said...

1. I think Hip Hop has changed our culture because they sing about everything. From being cheated on by a lover, to being on drugs. It allows people to express themselves without being rude. However, most people today have over 500 songs they can relate to. Not everyday, but atleast once out of the year.

2. Personally, I live a strict life. I am to do homework, chores, clean house, laundry. I don't much have time to live like other kids my age and hang out. So, for me to relax and have a good time, I watch Family Guy. It's a show that most people wont get, but for my dad and I, we get it, and can laugh the whole time.

Jesse Gonzales said...

An issue that was mentioned was elicit drug use. I feel like kids just do drugs just to get away from the problems of life and try it under peer pressure. Drugs do mess up families and can really mess up your life. I have never done drugs, but I have family who have, and they are just so lost and such a waste. And drugs have been a problem here in America. You see people advertising it in movies and music.

An issue that was not mention was the current economy. You can see business closing down pracitly everywhere. From restruants to stores like Mervyns. It is really crazy the way everything is going at the moment.

Matthew Q. said...

A major issue is the War on Terror. I think it has affected society in many different ways. I think it helps calms Americans since they know we are fighting terror and it may not reach it but at the same time it makes a lot nervous to know there is terrorism about. But overall I think it unites us in a way because we all do not want terrorist to be in our Nation so we will all fight against it.

One major issue is the war on drugs coming from Mexico. It affects our nation because the dealers kill people in our country plus drugs are a bad thing to use. I think it is an issue we need to get rid of.

Ryan S. said...

While these are not exactly "issues", I think that the personal computer, cell phone, and internet have had a huge influence on our society. These items have been made for our convenience, so that data management is easier, communication between others can be done from virtually anywhere, and so that ideals and information about various topics can be posted for everyone around the world to see. These items have had such a huge impact on our society, that many of us can't go a day with at least one of these tools, and have made our lives that much easier.

A modern issue that I myself have been dealing with in my life is the lack of jobs. Right now, it is very hard to find a job without having several other people, that are several years older than me and have much more work experience. I have also noticed that simple, entry-level jobs, such as working as a cashier or stock boy, need a resume a lot more often now. So, the issue of a lack of jobs is a modern day issue that affects me.

Eduardo R. said...

An issue that we have is global warming. It may not seem like it's an issue but it is for years ti come. It's changing the world without us even noticing.But we can all do something to slow it down.

A modern issue is the economy. I remember when there was not a problem back in 2000. Now it's going to be hard to get a job for people in my generation. And even if we go to collage we still have the possibility of not have a good job if the economy stays the same. So hopefully the economy will soon be fixed.

Mikayla Chapin said...

Entertainment has been a huge influence on the way people live and see life. This can include: television, movies, news and broadway shows. Money especially today has become a huge issue and people are trying to find ways to spend less. Money plays a big role in these certain aspects of the entertainment business. Getting out of that certain t.v. shows have impacted life such as: The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Seinfeld, Friends and the Fox Five News.

I believe global warming has made a very big impact in the world. And in Las Vegas and I am sure in other parts of the country that people have been making very big changes in their everyday life. Such as: hybrid cars, no plastic bags and solar energy. It seems like today people are trying to create a better and safer enviroment.

Chelsey Sanderock said...

The rise of the personal computer, cell phones, and the Internet have made communication and information two of our most important resources.
Thinking about this, the computer, cell phones and the internet have made communication the most important resources. These are the most important resources because say you broke down on the highway you need a cell phone to call a towing company. Our if your house got broken into you would have to call the cops.

A modern issue that I picked that wasn't on the list is also immigration. Immigration is a big deal in society today. Immigratens come into our country and get the jobs that we need to have to support our familys.

Anonymous said...

Illegal immigration is causing a problem in the U.S. right now, especially because there are a lot of Mexicans who are coming into the US illegally. When people come to the US illegally it hurts us in many ways. The illegal’s work “under the table” so they don’t pay taxes. They pull on the free-social systems like food banks which take from citizens who have lost their jobs and need the help. Since employers don’t have to pay insurance on them, they hire illegal immigrants instead of out of work citizens. Right now our citizens need to be employed instead of the people who are here illegally.

Homelessness is on the rise. In Clark County we have over 13,000 homeless people. I do what I can to help the homeless by donating items to different shelters and volunteering for Project Homeless Connect (PHC). But homelessness affects me most because it takes my mom away from home for long hours. She is the Continuum of Care Coordinator for the Homeless Services in Southern Nevada. What that means is she writes federal grants; develop programs, works with non-profits and the homeless to help reduce the homeless problem. Since Nevada has the 2nd largest homeless population per capita in the US and 90% of these are homeless in Clark County, she has a very busy job and is away from home a lot.


Anonymous said...

With the war on Terror every Citizen had to give up a certain amount of privacy. The government being so scared and worried about another attack wanted to be through and make sure that it wouldnt happen. As far as a modern issue i think that The goverments involvement in the private bussnisess affects everyone. because the government is buying all these privatley owned banks/ car companies. its heading towardsmore of a socialist country and we might be seeing the end of capitalism as we know it.

Dominique R.